SINCE 2012

Corrosion Resistant Ceramic Coatings in Montauk, NY

We are proud to serve Montauk, NY because we have an intimate understanding of the weather conditions, the people, and the local culture. For nearly ten years, we have been providing our valued customers with exceptional service.

With regular use, water, oxygen, and other environmental conditions can wear down your appliances, countertops, outdoor furniture, and cause unsightly damages to them. There is an easier way to protect and clean your property than constantly working to maintain everything.

Obsidian Blue Wave specializes in ceramic coating systems that protect your surfaces, appliances, and furniture from the wear and tear of everyday life, and the environmental conditions they are exposed to. We have worked on many Montauk, NY properties delivering high-quality results with our ceramic coating system for our clients.

Best Applications of Ceramic Coating

Outdoor stainless steel furnishings look great on Montauk, NY properties, but the harsh environmental conditions can cause your outdoor furnishings to rust and look unsightly. The last thing you want is your outdoor kitchen, stainless steel rails, grill, fencing, or furniture to get corroded by the environmental conditions in Montauk, NY

Our patented ceramic coating application works great on coastal properties, commercial properties, and residential properties. 

We’ve had a lot of success and customer satisfaction applying our ceramic coating in the following places:

Experienced, Customer Focused Ceramic Coating Experts in Montauk, NY

We are proud to serve Montauk, NY because we have an intimate understanding of the weather conditions, the people, and the local culture. For nearly ten years, we have been providing our valued customers with exceptional service.

We don’t just apply our hard-working ceramic coating system and then forget about you. We love to stay in touch with our customers and see how their ceramic coating is performing.
We offer every single one of our customers an ongoing maintenance plan to ensure that their ceramic coating continues to work hard against regular wear and tear and environmental corrosion, and delivers the results Obsidian Blue Wave has built its reputation on.

Sealed by the Shield: Obsidian Blue Wave

If you want to protect your Montauk, NY property and appliances from corrosion, and make the task of cleaning easier than ever before, choose Obsidian Blue Wave, a company that has technical knowledge, and years of experience protecting various types of properties, appliances, and surfaces.

We take pride in creating and honing a superior ceramic coating product for our Montauk, NY customers. Our ceramic coating not only performs at a very high level, but it also looks great and gives your property a shine that can’t be matched by waxes and sealers.

You may be thinking that ceramic coatings are only great for outdoor or coastal properties, but they are not! Yes, we have a lot of coastal clients because environmental corrosion is a much more immediate concern for them, but we have satisfied residential and commercial customers inland too.

Business owners in Montauk, NY see how great our ceramic coating application is in their break rooms or kitchens, and residential clients love to coat their appliances, showers, countertops, outdoor kitchens, BBQs, and more.

If you have property that you would like to protect, we guarantee we can help you. Contact us if you’re in Montauk, NY and would like to learn more about our ceramic coatings, our application process, or how your property could benefit from the corrosion protection our ceramic coatings offer.

Get sealed by the shield! Choose Obsidian Blue Wave!